Signs of involution and abuse on minority
Anyone can notice the progressive loss of well-being, sense of life and enthusiasm of the most technologically "advanced" societies. The presence of the technology represents a fairly faithful indicator of the level of conscious degeneration of a protospecies. “Society” is obviously a very broad protospecies. Many individuals believe they belong to this surrogate species or protospecies. Of course, not everyone experiences this. Contrary to what an ordinary person might think, a Tibetan nomad, or an Amazonian native, or simply some Irish communities, do not consider themselves "part of society". Cultural differences testify to this, which often tell the story of a species by deforming and filtering it to make it coherent and enhance it.
For example, throughout the East the figure of Genghis Khan is considered an enlightened one, like Jesus, and what they mainly talk about is how he unified and interrupted a bloody, femicidal and infanticide circle, while in Europe the schools they describe the character in a decidedly different way. [1]
But there are plenty of examples. Many religious experience feelings of profound and generalized extraneousness to "everyone else", and we are talking about religions that encompass the majority of the world’s population. Welfarism itself, promoted by some religions under the bias of "brotherhood", is based on a profound arrogance of the species, and foresees the cultural colonization of the assisted population.
Each protospecies has its own survival patterns; from the rigid initial selection (“only those with the right blood can be with us”) to television colonization, passing from intimidation, exhaustion, up to siege, isolation, and the criminalization of individual characteristics dissimilar from its norm.
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