Relational confusion, war
And so every day, unknowingly, we find ourselves hiring workers by assessing whether or not the protospecies to which they belong are at war with those to which we belong. So a feminist manager will gladly hire a gay man, but not a Catholic fundamentalist; if she did so, daily clashes and relational difficulties, misunderstandings and bad moods would in all likelihood arise.
The same tendency to use the word "I am" with respect to professions, or genders, or ideologies (I’m straight, I’m a teacher, I’m a patriot, I’m modern, I’m traditionalist, I’m sporty, I’m vegan, I’m young, I’m a mother, I’m an expert...) shows the real situation with intuitive evidence: our mind, of a "television" nature, identifies itself with the social role, reaching extreme and delusional actions in response to this conviction and identification.
The progressive division and subdivision of sexual genders, far from being a sign of "progress", is actually an indicator of conscious involution. The lost ability to recognize individuals of their own natural conscious species leads us to continuous and incremental failures, and to self-referential but thin justifications.
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