An existential misunderstanding
Only rarely does it happen that among our "ideological herds" there are also harmonic ones, that is formed in response to atavistic needs in order to satisfy elementary as profound primary existential needs of the human being. It follows that most human beings do not manifest, if not rarely or incidentally, their individual peculiarities, which make them significant from an evolutionary point of view as unique beings and distinct from other individuals.
The recognition of the other as presumed to belong to our own species occurs in fact due to a misunderstanding, which imposes a hasty and insubstantial familiarity on our entire system. This has an explanation in the ordinary psychological mechanisms, which in the mental form of the ordinary person impose a constant supervision of the experience by the computer mind, i.e. the one that elaborates solutions starting from the forfeited data.
The result is a progressive slide towards ideological separations, and this is inevitable following the current common model.
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